Welcome to

Technical Board

IIIT Bhagalpur


Coding Comunity

Our mission is to create a fun and supportive environment where we develop programming and statistics skills together. We want to replace statistics anxiety and code fear with inspiration and motivation to learn, and here we will share our experience.

The main vision of the club is to improve the art of competitive programming skills in the students and to make them ready for renowned competitions like ACM-ICPC, Google code jam, various Hackathons conducted at national and International levels etc.


Web Comunity

The Web Development Club aims to provide students a platform and resources to gain skills and realize projects. We strive to teach and help students acquire full stack WEB skills.To achieve these objectives we conduct various lectures, workshops, hackathon s and mentorship programs to help students realize their dream. The mission of the club is to expose students to challenges and new technologies in the field of WEB DEVELOPMENT and DESIGN and thus to nurture and develop their skill set in this arena. Regular meetings and mentorship programs will definitely help students to achieve their goals. We believe in no experience is necessary but eagerness to learn is essential.


AI Comunity

Our aim is to educate members on what exactly is ML and its possibilities, making members familiar with frameworks, and best practices. The Members should understand the algorithms, their maths and Real World uses and the last and most important things, we will try to provide practical and hands-on experince.


App Comunity

Our aim is to educate members on what exactly is ML and its possibilities, making members familiar with frameworks, and best practices. The Members should understand the algorithms, their maths and Real World uses and the last and most important things, we will try to provide practical and hands-on experince.

Robotics Club

Robotics Comunity

Primary mission of our club is to make students skilled in building and handling hardware projects. We will also look forward to represent our college in hackathons and Techfest. Our club works in such a way that it generates curiosity and interest towards robotics in younger generation. The club also includes workshops for Intercollege and Intracollege competitions. We are committed to make IIIT Bhagalpur a pioneer in the emerging branch of Robotics and IoT.

Blockchain Club

Blockchain Comunity

Our vision is to develop a group of students skilled in Blockchain Mining, Crypto-Mining, Smart Contract development and encryption of data. First step is to learn Solidity, then Ethereum and then making Smart Contracts and Alt Coins. Understanding Decentralized Applications are essential for the same and hence, we are focusing on the same. Our objective is to utilize the same technology for Healthcare sector, Banking and Finance, Supply Chain, Chatting and Video Conferencing and Security. In the upcoming years, blockchain will be a leading industry in the IT Sector, and role is to train them for the same. This club starts from the beginning and leads the students in the early phase to understand the same.


Cyber Comunity

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Electronics Club

Electronics Comunity

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Entrepreneurship Comunity

E-club IIIT Bhagalpur acknowledges the role of entrepreneurship in development of nation and society. We are a non-profit organization run by students of gymkhana IIIT Bhagalpur to shape and promote Entrepreneurship and business mindset among the young minds. We believe in nurturing critical thinking and business acumen by conducting workshops, speaker sessions, innovative games and competitions as well as providing student entrepreneurs with access to resources such as seed funding, mentoring, consultancy and networking.